Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

16th July 2023

For me, the past year has been about exploring new things. Be it hitting the gym, having a morning walk, watching movies or having healthy exercise. I did everything that I felt was right for me. It's been a time of personal growth and an opportunity to pave my own path, even if it meant being the first in my family.

But today, I found myself facing a familiar struggle.

For the past few days, I have been practising yoga daily morning. But I hesitate to practice in front of my family members, especially in front of my father. It's Strange, isn't it? We all encounter moments like these.

And it's normal.

It's so because we are venturing into something new which is out of our comfort zone, doing something new, Right?

We need to be confident with what we do. Of course, if something is wrong, then hesitation is justified. But when it comes to the activities that enhance our well-being, we must embrace them wholeheartedly. Like... doing exercise!

As I conclude this blog, I leave you with this thought: we should never allow fear or hesitation to hold us back from exploring new frontiers; let's break free from all the confines.

Stay tuned for more creative ideas and inspiration. Let's embark on this incredible journey together!

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